
Tip Tuesday: 5 Tips When Negotiating a "Me Too" Clause
July 21, 2020

When bargaining with multiple units at the same company, a commonly negotiated clause is called a “Me Too” provision. A basic definition of the "Me Too" clause is when a company negotiates something(s) of value greater than what another union has already settled for, the unions who have already settled will automatically get the greater value of the present contract with the other union(s).

When negotiating a “Me Too” clause, beware of the following:

1. Make sure your “Me Too” clause is well defined, so that unions understand what is and is not covered in the clause 

2. Remember that you are negotiating the “Me Too” clause to establish a pattern in bargaining and not to add costs later on in the negotiating process 

3. If there is a dispute about the total value of an agreement, the burden is on the union to show how the Company may have violated the agreement 

4. “Me Too” clauses can only reference pay, or specific work rules, or certain benefits and not the value of entire agreement 

5. Some unions may want to spend the company’s money on something other than wages; be aware of how the costs of a provision(s) apply to another contract 


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