
Tip Tuesday: 6 Tips for Mission-Driven Strategic Planning
December 20, 2022

Strategic planning involves many moving parts but doesn’t have to be complex. Do you have a succession plan? What about an employee turnover plan? Does your organization need a cost-reduction plan? Planning is a discipline that requires intention and follow-through.

Here are some tips to help you in your quest to be intentional in your planning and goal-setting:

  1. Make it a team effort. Involve others who have the company’s best interests at heart but may look at things differently from you.
  2. Commit the time. Carve out an adequate amount of time specifically to think creatively and brainstorm. Don’t try to complete a strategic plan during your regular weekly staff meeting.
  3. No “bad” ideas. If you genuinely want to engage others in the brainstorming process, set the right tone so people are comfortable “thinking out loud.” You’re not going to do everything everyone says, so who cares if it’s an off-the-wall idea?
  4. Make sure it’s doable. Brainstorming is a great tool, but eventually, you’ll have to turn the ideas into plans. Make sure your goal is realistic and supports your mission.
  5. Define specific goals or action steps. Break things down into bite-sized pieces in priority order. Make sure everyone knows who does what, when, and how.
  6. Be flexible. The good thing about a plan is that it can, and probably will change throughout the period it’s in effect.
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